Dream a dream 2nite as u sleep.smile a smile 2morrow that u may keep....
The years will come the years will go but with each 1 i wil always know whichever way the road may bend u wil always be my best friend
when it hurts 2 look back & ur scared 2 look ahead, just look beside u & i will b there.
i cant txt u roses or fax u my heart.id email u kisses but wed stil b apart.i luv u 2 pieces n just wish ud c dat i care 4 u so much coz u mean da world 2 me.
Many ppl will wlk in and out of ur life.but only tru friends will leave foot prints in ur heart. . . . .u left urs in mine -x-
The recipe of friendship: 1 cup of sharing.2 cups of caring.3 cups of forgiveness & hugs. Mix all of these together to make friends 4ever.
A friend gives hope wen life is low.A friend is a place where you can go.A friend is honest- A friend is true.A friend is precious.A friend is u!
"In ur darkest hour wen ur fed up & blue.just remember this I'll always be there 4 u.Im no angel N cant change ur fate.but I'll do anything 4 u coz ur my m8."
ur a mate wiv a heart of gold.how much u mean to me can never be told.ur sum1 2b talked bout so sweet and true.1 in a million dats u
A gun can kill some1.fire can burn some1.wind can chill.anger can rage till it tearz u apart.but da power of ur smile can heal a frozen heart
There is a gift that gold cannot buy a blessing dats rare & true.dats d gift of a wonderful friend like d friend dat i have in u!
Sum1 sum where dreamz of ur smiles & whilst thinking of u says life is worthwhile.so wen ur lonely remember its true.that sum1 sum where is thinking of u.
like a fallen star u fel into my life.u made me smile wen thingz werent rite..if hugz were water id send u the c.n sail away 4eva jus u n me.
R we friends or r we not.U told me once but i 4got.of all d m8s ive eva met ur d 1 i wont 4get.& if i die b4 u do i will go 2 heaven & wait 4 u!
God in heaven God above please protect the friend i love.Sent wiv a smile:-) sealed with a kiss.i love my friend whos reading this xx
A very special m8 of mine.in my heart all da time.to c u wiv a happy smile makes my life feel worthwhile.warm & carin ur feelins true.im glad i av a m8 like u!
Life can be hard & not always fun.But as night brings dark mornin brings sun.Wen life gets tough & no1 seems 2 care.Give me a call coz I'll always b there!
Tiny starz shinin bright its time 4 me 2 say goodnite.so close ur eyes & snuggle up tight im wishin u sweet dreams 2nite!
Uve touched my heart uve touched my soul.bcos of u I now feel whole.U'll always b my closest friend.u'll b in my heart 2 the very end.
Dreams r2b 4goten reality to b lived.desires 2b fulfilled & destiny 2b reached.where it began.where will it end.
friends from da start.friends til da end!
Friends r angels that come from above.sent by god 4 me 2 luv.so wen u r lonely sad n blue remember ill be there for u!
There are 12 months a year...30 days a month...7 days a week...24 hours a day...60 minutes an hour...but only one like you in a lifetime.
There are two reasons why I wake up in the morning: my alarm clock and you.
Great minds contain ideas, solutions and reasons; scientific minds contain formulas, theories and figures; my mind contains only you!
Love can be expressed in many ways. One way I know is to send it across the distance to the person who is reading this.
Minsan caring is better than loving. Minsan tea is better than coffee. Minsan smile is better than laughter. Pero nobody is better than you.
There is night so we can appreciate day, sorrow so we can appreciate joy, evil so we can appreciate good, you so I can appreciate love.
You look great today. How did I know? Because you look great everyday.
What is love? Those who don't like it call it responsibility. Those who play with it call it a game. Those who don't have it call it a dream. Those who understand it call it destiny. And me, I call it you.
What is love? It is what makes your cell phone ring every time I send text messages.
If love can be avoided by simply closing our eyes, then I wouldn't blink at all for I don't want to let a second pass having fallen out of love with you.
I used to think that dreams do not come true, but this quickly changed the moment I laid my eyes on you.
Press down if you miss me. Talaga? Sweet mo naman. You really miss me huh? Still pressing down. Impressed na ako, ha? Sobrang miss na yan. Well, I miss you too.
Some people were born with talents. They can do beautiful things with their skills, knowledge and technology. But no one is as talented as you. You just come near, and there is already beauty.
A lady is a woman who makes a man behave like a gentleman. You're such a lady to me.
To forget you is hard to do and to forget me is up to you. Forget me not, forget me never. Forget this text, but not the sender.
When situation gets you down, remember there's Someone in Heaven who loves you and watches over you and there's someone on Earth who cares� I do.
Cell phones can be irritating sometimes. You always have to reload, recharge every now and then. Messages are delayed. But there's one ......thing I love about it. It connects me to you!
Words begin with ABC. Numbers begin with 123. Music begins with do, re, mi. And friendship begins with you and me!
Rain and sunshine do not always come together. Night and day never co
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