Which of these five guys are you dating? Just where does your guy fit in?
Mr. Right for Nobody? Mr. Right for Somebody Else? Mr. Right Someday? Mr. Right Now? Mr. Right?
Just which right guy are you seeing right now? Read my descriptions of the five different types of Mr. Rights to figure out your guy and know what to do about him.
Mr. Right for Nobody
In every girl’s life there is that one guy who really messes you up. He fills you with so much passion you think you may explode. You can’t get him off of your mind. You want to see him all the time. You want to be with him all the time. You want to know where he is at all times
Mr. Right for Somebody Else
This is the guy who is perfect on paper but just doesn’t float your boat. He could be an ex, a good friend, a mere acquaintance or a fizzled first date, but however you know him, you know without doubt that he’s not right for you. Yet, there is a real possibility that he could be right for one of your friends
Mr. Right Now
He fits perfectly in to your life right now but whether or not he’ll work in the future is up in the air. This is the guy who is a great steady Saturday night date, who never really asks much of you and yet is always there for you and whom you’re pretty sure you’ll break up with
Mr. Right Someday
It is a cruel fact of life that timing counts. You could meet your Mr. Right three days before you leave for a year in the Peace Corps in which case it’s just not going to happen. Or it could be him who is leaving for an indefinite amount of time, in which case again, it is not going to happen…
Mr. Right
He makes you swoon. He makes you laugh. He makes you feel safe and cared for. He is always, without exception, good to you… even when he is mad at you. And most importantly, you trust him 100% because he truly deserves it. This is Mr. Right