8) Minerals

Minerals are the inorganic substance that occurs naturally in rocks and in the ground and has its own characteristic appearance and chemical composition. The three main functions of minerals are as constituents of the skeleton, as soluble salts which help control the composition of the body fluids, and as essential adjuncts to the action of many enzymes and other proteins. There are many different types of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, selenium, zinc, and chromium picolinate.

Calcium is a major mineral essential for healthy and strong bones and teeth. It is also ensures the proper functioning of muscles and nerves and even helps your blood clot. It is of very much importance for the growing children.

The sources of calcium are milk, cheese, eggs, dairy products, fruits, green vegetables, almonds, seaweeds (such as kelp, wakame and hijiki), nuts, beans and pulses, breads and fish.

The deficiency of calcium can affect bone and teeth formation, while its excess can lead to kidney stones.

Magnesium is an important mineral that helps the body to maintain muscles, nerves, and bones. It is also used in heart rhythm, energy metabolism and protein synthesis.

The major sources of magnesium are spinach, nuts, seeds, whole grains, water, fruits and vegetables.

The deficiency of magnesium can cause sensitiveness to noise, nervousness, irritability, mental depression, confusion, twitching, trembling, apprehension, insomnia, muscle weakness and cramps in the toes, feet, legs, or fingers.

Potassium is a mineral that serves as an electrolyte and is involved in the balance of fluid within the body. It is important in controlling the activity of the heart, muscles, nervous system and just about every cell in the body. It regulates the water balance and acid-base balance in the blood and tissues. Our bodies contain more than twice as much potassium as sodium (typically nine ounces versus four ounces).

The major sources of potassium are bananas and orange juice. Some other sources include breads, cereals and other grain products.

The deficiency of potassium can cause your muscles not to work properly and you will feel weak. The excess of potassium can cause an irregular heart beat.

Selenium is an essential mineral that functions largely in the form of proteins, called seleno-proteins, which act as enzymes and help prevent damage to cells in the body by oxidants in the environment or those produced by normal metabolism.

The sources of selenium are seafood, some meats (such as kidney and liver), and some grains and seeds.

The deficiency of selenium causes “Keshan” disease, a fatal form of cardiomyopathy (heart muscle disease). While its excess can cause reversible balding and brittle nails, give a garlic odor to the breath, and cause intestinal distress, weakness and slowed mental functioning.

Zinc is an essential mineral essential which is involved in the manufacture of protein and in cell division. It is also a constituent of insulin, and is concerned with the sense of smell.

The sources of zinc are eggs, cereal grains, meat, liver, seafood and nuts.

The deficiency of zinc can cause short stature, anemia, increased pigmentation of skin, enlarged liver and spleen (hepatosplenomegaly), impaired gonadal function, impaired wound healing, and immune deficiency. The excess of zinc can cause gastrointestinal irritation (upset stomach) and cause copper deficiency.

Chromium Picolinate
Chromium picolinate is an essential mineral which plays a vital role in processing carbohydrates and fats. It also works with insulin (a hormone, produced in the pancreas) in assisting cells to take in glucose and release energy; that makes blood sugar available to the cells as our basic fuel.

The sources of chromium are meats, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, fats and vegetable oils.

The deficiency of chromium can cause anxiety, fatigue, glucose intolerance (particularly in people with diabetes), inadequate metabolism of amino acids, and an increased risk of arteriosclerosis.


Mesothelioma in itself is one of the deadliest diseases ever to have been discovered by mankind. Medically, Mesothelioma as a word itself means a tumor that is more likely to transform in a fast proliferating cancer which affects the mesothelial cells of an organ, which form the protective thin covering over the organs like heart, lungs and abdomen.
Whatever is the verbal definition given out to this deadly disease, but those can never for sure weigh the deadliness of this fatal disease. It is an absolutely fatal disease which has taken many a people into its deadly grip. The maximum period of survival after the disease has been diagnosed, has come to the most of a year or two. It is worse form of cancer which is not curable. However, recent studies have suggested that if the disease can be diagnosed at a very early stage then the life of the individual who gets affected by this deadly disease, can be stretched till at the most of 5 years. The treatment of this disease is very expensive but the treatment doesn’t assure life but a few more days, to procure the huge lump-sum required for the treatment, people also file lawsuits to cover the huge incurring expenses for the treatment.
The main cause of mesothelioma has been detected as to the prolonged exposure to asbestos. Most of the patients that have been diagnosed with the disease, had acquired the disease cause of prolonged exposure to asbestos. The statistics of the mesothelioma patients has revealed the connection between the asbestos and the dangerous cancer syndrome.
And usually this disease is found to affect people and workers who work in industries. Usually, industries use asbestos as an imperative input for carrying on different processes; it is being used in factories, automobile, shipyard and construction. Direct exposure to loose asbestos fibers can develop the symptoms of mesothelioma, but the infected cells can remain dormant in the body for a long period of about 15-20 years.
But the worst par of the disease is the fact that this disease generally gets detected in older days i.e. at the age of 50-60 years and also mostly in the last stage. Thereby, reducing the chances of the individual’s recovery. So this is very necessary that people who are likely to take in much asbestos particles should be scanned regularly for any symptoms of mesothelioma.
Government policies have empowered the mesothelioma patients to claim for compensation. They can file lawsuits with the help of their attorneys for claiming such compensation. The mesothelioma victims can sue the company in which he had been employed into, for not being socially rational, but being more inclined towards the flowing profits, and not undertaking any steps to slacken the use of asbestos or using in a more protective way which has resulted in endangering the lives of the employees.

Mesothelioma symptoms

The term “Mesothelioma” in medical terms is defined as form of cancer that proliferates at a very fast rate after it has been diagnosed, which affects the mesothelial cells in the body. After detailed study of this disease by several scientists all over the world, it has been concluded that in most of the cases the reason is the direct contact with loose asbestos particles. This disease is generally known to be derived from an abnormality that arises from inhaling the loose asbestos particles suspended in the air for a very long time. The chances of the patients, diagnosed of mesothelioma, have very bleak chances of survival which is not more than one or two years and if it has been detected long back and rigorous medication has been started on the patient then the patient is likely to live for about five years.
There are three types of mesothelioma but the symptoms of the diseases depend on their kinds. The symptoms vary from one-another but the general symptoms that are found in patients suffering from different types of mesothelioma are weight loss, chest pain, loss of appetite, short breath , plain cough and cough with blood. Diagnosing mesothelioma in its initial stages is not possible because symptoms surface very late and that, these symptoms are no special signs indicating the particular disease but are common for other diseases too.
Generally the symptoms of mesothelioma resemble to that to any other normal lung diseases. Most of the symptoms arise in the lungs, where the mesothelial cells covering the lungs and the cavity between them are affected due to prolonged inhalation of asbestos fibers. Consulting with the physician is very necessary from time to time and necessary test must be conducted to detect the disease.
The main symptom of mesothelioma is a constant pain in the chest which is followed by short breaths and difficult breathing because of accumulation of fluid in the chest, which makes breathing all the more difficult. Some of the other symptoms of the disease include abnormalities in the lungs, which can be diagnosed under proper supervision of the doctor with a chest CT-scan.

Basically, the disease of mesothelioma advances in four stages. In the first stage, begins the formation of the tumor in the area of lining of the lung and doesn’t exceed from one side of the lung. And then in the second stage the tumor extends to other organs in the chest cavity, such as heart. Then in the third stage its extents to the other abdominal organs affecting all the other organs too. Finally in the fourth and the last stage the tumor extends to all parts of the body and affects all the parts adversely. These are some of the symptoms of the disease of mesothelioma, by which the disease can be tracked in the initial stages of its occurrence.


Children inform themselves, from early ages, about the surrounding world. The sources they can rely on are different and various like: parents, teachers, friends and mass-media. A plus in attention must be accorded to information gained from the TV, radio and internet. This media means are a valuable informational base but we have to consider the fact that on numerous occasions the news can be aggressive, characterized by violence or treating delicate themes.

Materials that are related to natural catastrophes or kidnappings, homicides, attacks of theorists groups, school violence or amorous relationships of politicians can create confusion in a child’s mind than can develop into a deformed perception on society, considering it a confused and hostile environment.

            As a parent you have to think how to contra-attack the effect this sort of news and information as well as the images that go with them. The easiest way to deal with this is through dialog and the little one will in time create a protective “shield” that will avoid the apparition of an emotional misbalance.

            Some practical advice:

-          Get your child used to read publications designated to his age category and to watch television programs of the same kind. They are less aggressive.
-          Custom him to analyze carefully all that he hears and to not consider that all information are necessary real just because their way of presentation is a spectacular one.
-          Talk to him about all news events.
-          Try to identify the child’s predilections when it comes to news and his habits as a media consumer.

            If you might consider the respective show is not appropriate for the child, then just turn off the TV. But remember this is just a momentary solution! In order to keep your kid out of the media violence you must impose a tight rule about television programs and keep always and eye open for your children everyday activities.

Marketing Myths

Your online marketing battle will include a number of different methods in different areas of the Internet. You may have a web site, use an auto responder, post classified ads, post articles, place banner advertisements, sponsor lists and newsletters, distribute press releases, and much more.  Keep in mind, though, that when you are first starting out, it is critical that you focus on one aspect of your marketing campaign at a time and promote it to its fullest extent before moving on to the next.
It is better to slowly become profitable by focusing on one issue at a time, than to barely be profitable because you are attacking all of the issues half-heartedly.
Diversify and spend small amounts on advertising at first. If you use a cautious approach, you will not be wiped out financially if an ad doesn’t generate the sales you were hoping for.  Just keep testing ads as your budget allows until you find the one that works best; then you can roll it out and be confident that you are going to make money rather than lose it!  
If you have a lot of competition, state that you will honor all of your competitors’ coupons and/or discounts; use “their” advertising to your advantage.
An age-old problem in business is collecting final payment for services rendered.  As a business owner, you need to be prepared for “difficult” clients and “mooches” by doing such things as…
1. In your contract or sales agreements, state the interest rates and late fees that will be assessed if payment is not received within 30 days of completion.
2. Write form letters to be used for collecting the balance. There should be three letters in total -- one after the payment is ten days late, another after twenty days, and a third that lets the client know that you’ll be turning their account over to a collection agency (or taking them to small claims court). The third letter should not be sent until 45 days after the payment is late.   And of course, never bluff.  If you say you will turn it over to a collection agency, do so.
3. The best way to protect yourself is to take payment via credit card.  State to your client that you will bill their credit card one third of the total price as an initial down payment, another third just after you have passed the 50% completion point, and the final third on delivery. Or use the two-payment system -- half at the initiation of the job and the remainder upon completion.

Making money on Ebay

You have your business set up, your name chosen; you’re signed up and registered.  Now what do you need to be making money on Ebay?

When you first start out making money on Ebay you need to decide on a product that you would like to sell.  It is suggested that you start by choosing one type of product.  This will allow you to become an expert with them so you can advertise and sell them effectively.  You will want to expand your product line as you become more effective in online marketing.  You can try different selling and advertising methods until you find what works the best for your particular product or products.

You will want to limit the number of items you place on auctions. The goal for making money on Ebay is to sell your items at the highest possible price.  If you are selling several of the same things at the same time, it will be much harder to get a high price for them.

Finding quality and unique items to sell for making money on Ebay can be difficult as ebay gets more popular.   Some sources are Estate attorneys who get requests from families to help dispose of the deceased items.  Taking an ad out in your local paper and offer to take on consignment to sell could be a very good source of items and products.  You will want to charge a small upfront fee and or a percentage of the sale.  By pursuing this avenue to gain products and items be sure and check your state and local laws to be sure you do not need to have a auctioneers license.

You may also find items from other Ebay sellers who have bought items in bulk or by the lot.  They may have items they choose not to sell.  If you make other sellers aware you may buy excess items of a certain product, you may have another source of changing items or products.

A couple of important points to remember as you’re attempting to make money on Ebay.  Make sure you sell only legitimate items.  If you are selling illegal or counterfeit items, and the real manufacturer or another Ebay seller or buyer reported you Ebay would cancel all your auctions.  Do not allow friends, relatives, or even be tempted yourself to bid against other bidders on your auctions in an attempt to drive up the price.  This practice is known as shilling and is illegal.  Not only will Ebays fraud department shut you down.  In some states the attorney general will bring criminal charges against you with the help of Ebay.

To help you make money on Ebay you may want to promote your auctions.  You can do this with a personal web page just to promote you Ebay sales.  You can also run a online store with links going back to your auctions.  This will give you a more professional appearance on the Internet and helps your customers a better idea of who you are.  Finally a very good way to assist in your quest to make money on Ebay is build a mailing list.  Send out email to your subscribers on a regular basis and promote your current auctions.

Currently there are approximately 430,000 people who are making money on Ebay.  This is because it is a efficient and low cost way to reach 45 million people.  You can see there are many ways to for making money on Ebay.  It is not a get rich overnight excursion.  Do not be fooled into buying guides that claim instant success.  Many of these are just bought e-books or some are actually copy write protected articles reproduced without authors consent.  Do you homework, expect to have some expenses, make a plan and follow it then you to will be making money on Ebay.


You always might’ve had problems when it came to playing host for a couple of days for some relatives or friends, which came from a different city or country. You are definitely a welcoming and warm host but you had nothing to tell or do about the space you are providing them with. You only have 2 or three rooms and if you are lucky two bathrooms after all. But you don’t need a villa to make your guests feel at home. To make their days and nights in your house as pleasant as possible, just try and follow some of the advice bellow.

A healthy and calm sleep

You will win the hearts of your guests with a comfortable big and soft bed. The bed is  a necessary ingredient and an element on which depends the room arrangements in luxury hotels. A good night sleep makes wonders. Maybe you don’t have a special budget for this things but it is better to offer your guests the bed you would love to sleep in. A couch just doesn’t make the trick, especially if it is placed in the living room, and everybody passes through while your guests are trying to sleep.

Invest money in quality bedroom furniture and your guests will thank you for your decision the next morning. And don’t forget about pillows! A fluffy soft pillow that sends you directly to the world of dreams is the best thing for a perfect sleep.

The desk lamp, an important object

Make sure there is enough light in the room you will host your guests in. Many people rather read a book before they go to sleep, so it is preferable that they have at the high end of their bed on a night stand a lamp, for reading, that can be turned on and off without having to get out of bed.

Create a home away from home
If your guests will stay over for more than a night, they won’t feel right without a table or a desk to write on. They might need to put order in different bills, to organize their wallet or purse, to list the details for the remaining of their trip and all these are not possible without a desk at their disposal.
A house robe and slippers to maximum comfort!
It is well known that when you go on a trip you rarely get to actually pack the bags properly and to get along all those things that actually make you feel at home. The robe and the slippers are in this category and they also are probably the first things you will not pack when planning a trip. So you must provide your guests with them, they need these to feel more at home.
A bookshelf full of books
What can be better on a trip than retrieving your calm amongst the pages of a good book? If you just finished reading an exceptional novel then you should borrow it to your guests. This is actually a very good idea, especially because your discussions about the subjects this book deals with will be fun and constructive.
The last touch
You cannot fail with a vase full of fresh flowers, placed right on the table in their room. You can decorate the room with seasonal flowers, your favorite flowers or your guests’ favorite flowers if you know that about them.
 A bowl of water and glasses, a radio-clock, a body lotion are useful objects that we all have on your nightstands.


If you wish to place on your desk green interior plants that require a minimum of care then the lucky bamboo can be exactly what you are looking for. Despite the name, Lucky Bamboos are not bamboos at all, they just look like ones.

They caring necessities are minimal: all you need to do is provide them with regular cleaning, change the water from their recipient weekly, lots of light but without direct sunlight. You don’t need to reproduce them. Monthly the plant is to be removed from its pot, washed under an water jet – the roots also – and placed back in the pot after it has been itself washed and the water replaced.

The plant has a green segmented body of about half inch width that normally growth vertically and produces one or more additional ramifications with leaves. The body shall be cut at the desired height and sealed with wax, just above one of the ramification. This will stop growth and will be good for the development of ramifications.

            By manipulating the light, the lucky bamboos can be determined to grow in a spiral.

In the orient, lucky bamboos already tend to replace flower bouquets. This is because they are also kept in water recipients but their life is long and they keep their decorative aspect for a long time.

Lucky bamboos are offered separated or in special arrangements. The number and the dimension of the plants in the arrangement is not left to hazard because there are precise significations for each type of arrangement.
            The meanings of the number of stairs the plants form:
-          three stairs bring happiness, health and a long life
-          five stairs stimulate the 5th elements of life
-          six stairs bring health
-          eight stairs bring development and prosperity
-          ten stairs symbolize perfection and fulfillment
-      twenty-one stairs bring a powerful blessing
            So if you want to get them just for you, at home or at the office, or if you want to make a meaningful present, lucky bamboos are a good option. Everyone loves them and they are better than some flowers that will die in a few days. Lucky bamboos last out for months and are easy to please.

Loose Weight ------- Fast Diet Plan

Get ready to lose 10 pounds! By paying attention to the amount of food you eat, eliminating unnecessary sugar and fat from your foods and making sure you include absolutely delicious meals and snacks to keep your taste buds happy. Use this easy-to-follow and super healthy diet plan to lose the first 10, the last 10, or any 10 in between! Because it’s a balanced and flexible program, you can stay on this diet as long as it takes.

Top Fast Secrets
  • Keep track of everything you eat and drink. No need to estimate calories – just write down the type of food or beverage and the amount.
  • Cut your fat intake in half, that means half as much margarine or butter on toast, vegetables and your muffin, half the mayonnaise on your sandwich, and half the oil in the pan when you saute foods. You get the idea!
  • Limit the sugar treats to three times per week maximum.
  • Include good sources of protein at meal, chicken, fish, legumes, peanut, cottage cheese, eggs or yogurt.
  • Eat at least one meatless lunch and dinner each week to reduce fat, increase fiber, and get yourself into the habit of building meals around whole grains, beans and vegetables.
  • If you’re not currently using skim milk, go down to the level of fat content in the milk you use. For example, if you currently use two percent, use only one percent. If you insist on whole milk, try two percent.
  • Eat at least two servings of fresh fruit every day. Choose whatever type of fruit is in season.
  • Instead of fruit juice for breakfast or snack, drink water. Add a slice of lemon or lime for zest.
  • Include two servings of vegetables with lunch and dinner, for a total of at least four servings per day.
  • Choose one to two servings of foods made from whole grains with every meal.
  • Shut off the TV whenever you eat – that includes meals and snacks. Studies show that we automatically eat larger portions when we snack in front of the tube, and typically those foods are high in fat and sugar, which means excess calories!
  • Choose calories you can chew – that means only calorie-free beverages (except for milk) Sodas are loaded with empty calories, and fruit juices provide less fiber and vitamins per calorie than the fruit they’re made from.
  • Plan ahead for meals and snacks so you know exactly what you plan to eat. Last-minute choice tends to be higher in calories and lower in satisfaction.

Living with Arthritis

Arthritis can be painful and limiting.  Many people have experienced it in one form or another.  There are several treatments including medications, exercise, diet, and lifestyle changes.  Even sleeping habits and mood changes can affect arthritis.  There is no direct correlation between how severe your arthritis is and how much pain you feel.  So how do people deal with this disease?

There are several ways to lessen how much pain you have when your arthritis acts up.  Some are preventative.  One way is to lose weight.  Extra pounds add stress to your joints.  Eat a healthy diet.  Not only will that help you keep those extra pounds off, but there are certain vitamins that specifically help arthritis.  Vitamin C repairs tissue, vitamin D absorbs calcium, builds bone mass, and prevents bone loss, and calcium strengthens your bones.  Moderate exercising strengthens your joints and increases flexibility and stability.  Those with rheumatoid arthritis need to refrain from exercising during flare ups.  You should only exercise to the point where you feel mild discomfort.  You should not feel pain.  Get plenty of sleep.  Patients with arthritis should get 8 to 10 hours of sleep.

When your arthritis does flare up there are different treatments to help with the pain and inflammation.  One common treatment is use of medication.  Certain types of medications can have serious side effects, so you need to weigh the pros and cons with your doctor.  Ice packs can help with swelling and inflammation, but people with circulatory problems should avoid this.  You can also use a heating pad or take a hot bath or shower.  Patients with arthritis may sometimes use splints, braces, canes, or walkers for stability.

There are adjustments you can make in your home to ease your arthritis too.  A “grabber” can help you get a can out of the cupboard or pick up laundry off the floor.  Replace faucet handles that twist and round door knobs with levered handles.  Don’t overdo it.  Tiring yourself out can especially provoke flare ups for people with rheumatoid arthritis.  Take breaks and don’t feel like you have to do everything in one day. 

If you are in a situation where you don’t move around a lot, it could affect your arthritis also.  Sitting at a computer desk for 8 hours a day can stiffen you up.  Be sure to take a break to move around and do stretches.  If available, use a trackball instead of a mouse and a split keyboard.  If you have the right software you can use “macros” to store frequently used words and phrases.  This will save on your typing.  Again, take it easy.  You don’t want your arthritis to flare up from overextending yourself. 

There are many things you can do to prevent or lessen an arthritis flare up.  It is important to do your part.  It is equally as important to check back with your doctor for advice as well.    Don’t be afraid to ask for help and check with your local Arthritis Foundation to see what resources are available to you. 


When a friend or a family member asks you for money you can be faced with a delicate situation. Thinking it is your duty to help that person, sometimes you end up hurting yourself. Try, when you can’t resist a close person, to analyze first all the data of the problem.

1. Analyze with you heart and mind
Look at the situation with the objectivity of a bank, combined with the sympathy you feel for a friend. If your heart and head agree you probably are not making a mistake helping him. If one of them tells you “No!” there is probably something wrong.

2. Consult with someone else
If a friend asks you for money, ask a third person and rely on his or hers objectivity, a person that can be another friend or a family member with a trusted intelligence.

3. Don’t be afraid to say no
Never hesitate to refuse someone if the situation involves too many risks. Search for other helping options for that person. Conduct the conversation in such a manner that your friend will understand you are refusing the request not the person that made it.

4. Lending equals giving a gift?
You can suggest to that person that, if his of hers financial situation improves in the future, you will be glad to get a present that would equal the money you lent to them.

5. For your safety, sign a contract.
When you are about to give away significant amounts of money, sign, each of you, a contract that settles the conditions and the return date of the money, and also their total amount.

Legalization of gambling

Gambling has been an age-old interest of people, fetching fortunes for mere right kind of anticipation, which strikes to reality to work in one’s favor. Not very strict or staunch rules have dominated this play of fortunes, but to keep this game a legally hassle free there are quite a few rules. The laws restricting the illegal manipulations in gambling have never had a very strong or distinctive affect on the game. Again, the gambling on internet, introduced much recently, is not completely abided to any specific and special rules other than that of the normal rules.
Betting in US is still considered to be very much illegal as per laws. There have been much of speculations regarding the legal execution of houses and gamblers, but the regulations for these have not been very stringent. Not many steps have been initiated towards restricting any such activity and none of those bills of this nature has been passed.

The legislation regarding gambling is no-more the concern of the federal government, which has rather passed the authority of making specific rules of gambling individual states for themselves. Many of theses states have fixed on the idea of legalizing online gambling which has proved to be a source of huge earning. The states have mended different set of laws to govern the practice of gambling in a way so as to fetch a profit to boost the economy of the state. Among such states are the three states, California, Louisiana and Nevada which restrict their citizens from betting outside the borders of the state. Illinois is such a state that has restricted advertising the online casino sites. Though theses rules hold importance but are not very strictly enforced. Any violation in these rules might hold the gambler guilty of misconduct but the severe impact is observed on the operator rather than the gambler.
The internet sports book not to evade any kind of US laws has shifted their bases to off-shores and also operates the servers of their computers from there. The government of US has been trying to make their impact on the rules governing online gambling but because of the reason that not much strictness can be observed in online gambling the US government has not been able to control it completely.
In April 2005, two new rulings were observed which has made gambling more accessible and less within the grip of stringent rule. The ruling are:-
1. Antigua, a tiny island has been favored by the World Trade Organization for being dominated by the brutal rules against gambling, which was otherwise a island where money was flowing in due to the good business created by gambling. It claimed that since United States imposed the strict laws on gambling operators and stopped the advertising, the business suffered a huge downfall.
2. The gambling companies in United Kingdom are now allowed to make online bets. The internet sports betting stores and online casinos operate offshore. The gambling is not a legal thing to do in United States but within specified limits.


Students find it sometimes hard to keep up with school and learn everything they are supposed to, especially when the subject they are learning about presents no interest to them. As parents, we should track a t all times the scholar’s activity and encourage them through various methods to learn more.

Getting a tutor
When ever you see you child can’t handle one school assignment and you can’t help him either with it, them you should really consider getting a tutor. Classrooms are meant for all students and so are the lessons. Teachers can’t stay behind for the ones that did not understand the proper explanation of a lesson because they are not allowed to do it in school. They have to follow a strict schedule for each of their lessons. But, your child might not be gifted for every school subject and it is normal. You can even ask a teacher to teach him privately when the child needs it, and he will have full attention and more explanation until he understands.

Do not get mad
If children have failed in school they are upset already. But if they come home and truthfully admit it, and you start yelling at them, then they will get the wrong idea. First they might understand that when they tell the truth bad things happen to them. And secondly they might loose all interest in school. if you don’t get mad but just sad, they might want to make you happy by improving their performances.

Reward good performances the child achieves
This has two sides: a good one where your child gains interest in school partly because he realizes it pleasures you and a bad side where your child will become motivated in all things by material rewards. So be careful when rewarding your child, and if you do make it subtle.

Healthy life
A healthy life is good for us all not just for children. If he gets enough sleep, if he eats right and if he is emotionally balanced (that means no fight at home in front of him, no unsolved conflicts with him and no unfulfilled desires for which he did not understand the reasons why they couldn’t be done) the chances are that he will perform better in school.

Children by nature love competition and school is a competition. They can do well in school as long as we know how to help them.

Knee-deep in debt, consider student loan consolidation programs

You finished college. Good for you, but how did you finish it? If your answer is student loans, many Americans are like you. However, some lucky once successfully found a way out of being knee-deep in student loans.

Student loan consolidation program

This program helps people to manage their finances easily by consolidating their student loans into one easy to pay loan. Student loan consolidation program will help reduce your monthly payments up to 50% or more. This reduction in your monthly payment, of course, will depend on how much is your total student loan.

However, because of the reduction in your monthly payment, you can use the spare money for other expenses like car payments, household needs and even, for childcare.

You may also take advantage of the lower interest rates for the student loan consolidation program.

Additionally, if you are able to consolidate all your student loans in one, this process will improve your credit rating.

Best for defaulted student loans

There is also a program especially for defaulted student loan creditors. 

The student loan consolidation program for defaulted creditors will include counseling. After which, the consolidator will buy out your existing loans in order to erase it from the books.

Now, you will be able to pay your loan religiously because the consolidator would have adjusted your monthly payment to a comfortable level. You credit rating will be better and you will not have to experience nightmarish wage garnishment, harassing phone calls and tax refund confiscation, not to mention the fact that you will also avoid receiving strongly-worded collection letters.

Federal direct loan consolidation program

Finally, if your student loans fall under the federal direct student loans, in addition to the more than 50% reduction in your monthly payments, you will be given a lock in lower interest rate. 

This lock in lower interest rate will shield you against inflation fluctuations and the lower interest rate means lower monthly payment.

Another convenience of the federal direct loan consolidation program for student loans is that you only make one loan payment every month. In addition, the convenience of matching your repayment plan and your financial situation is part of the options available in this program.

It will thus be easier for you to pay religiously and avoid having to default in your payments.

This federal student loan consolidation program also extends you the assistance of easy application, no fees to collect, no need for credit checking and no application or origination charges.

With all these student loan consolidation programs, you can now sleep well at night knowing that your monthly burden is now easy to pay. There is no need for you to be stressed in thinking how you can pay all your student loans.

For other information regarding student loan consolidation programs, you may check out the internet and have all the necessary information to help you save your credit status.

Keeping Fresh with Portable Air Purifiers

Most of us have heard of the importance of air purifiers in the home.  No matter how much you clean, there is always something floating in the air.  Toxins from cleaners, air fresheners, aerosol spray bottles, pet dander, dust, mold, etc.  But what if you need to travel and still want fresh air?  This is where a portable air purifier comes into play.  When you need to leave home and go into a crowded airport, movie theater, waiting room, etc you can now wear a portable air purifier around your neck or on your shirt pocket and breathe much easier.
The portable air purifier works in a similar way to a standard air purifier.  But it creates a zone in front of the mouth, nose, and eyes and repels the dust, smoke, pollen, allergens, dander, and anything else light enough to float in the air (up to .3 to 3 microns).  Testing also reveals that the portable air purifier kills many germs that are not repelled before being breathed in.  The level of toxicity does not affect how well the air purifier works.  It repels or kills all germs and toxins, no matter how potent.  This is a great way to avoid spreading viruses.  Wearing a surgical mask protects to a point, but the viruses stick to the mask.  The portable air purifier does not store the impurities. 

There are numerous testimonies of people who have used air purifiers and noticed an immediate improvement in health.  If you have allergies or sensitivity it is especially important when traveling to use a portable air purifier.  During flu season and allergy season this really comes in handy.  Instead of getting drugged up to feel better, avoid accessing these germs and allergens in the first place.  One mother mentioned that before they got their air purifier the family would pass the flu around until everyone got it.  Since they purchased the air purifier, they no longer take turns with the flu.  Doctor’s offices and hospitals are especially prone to indoor pollution.  Remember to take your portable air purifier to your next doctor’s appointment.  It is better to prevent than treat.

Portable air purifiers are less expensive than standard air purifiers. The portable air purifier can run on lithium batteries or you can use the fast charger and a set of rechargeable batteries for unlimited use.    Currently there is research being done to target even smaller particles down to the size of the influenza virus (.04 microns).  The results look promising, but are still preliminary.  Portable air purifiers are small, lightweight, and can be worn around the neck on clipped to a shirt pocket.  A breath of fresh air is now for sale.

Keeping a Dog Tick-Free

Dogs and in general all pets tend to spend more of their summer time outdoors. In case of dogs, it is very important to be careful about parasites, bugs and micro organisms that can harm them while they get their whiff of fresh air. Precautions are necessary to keep these dangers away. One of these pests that can cause a lot of nuisance and damage are the ticks since they carry diseases. Avoiding the ticks is of prime importance than curing at a later stage.

Why Ticks?
Ticks tend to stick to warmer temperatures, CO2 and movement. Ticks do not transmit through the air. Their motion is limited to crawling. They transmit themselves by climbing up taller structures or plants and drop onto any living and moving human or animal. The danger of diseases or kinds of diseases transmitted by ticks depends upon the country and culture, therefore the cure of after effects of ticks and ticks itself varies from country to country. The danger of having ticks on your dogs body begins once the tick bites. The bite itself is painless and unfeeling but the place of bite might get infected in no time. Consulting a veterinarian is advisable for treatment which normally involves oral antibiotics. If your pet dog is diseased due to a tick bite, there is a risk of infection spreading due to your dog salivation on or biting another pet. The most popular disease spread by a tick bite is the lyme disease but not the only one.

How to keep ticks away from your pet dog

The best way to avoid ticks is to avoid walking your dog in the midst of vegetation during tick season. Always keep the vegetation around your house trimmed.  Certain preventive medication products are also available. More information can be gathered from your veterinarian about suitability of these to your dog in respect to age and area. Do not use medications without consulting and proper instructions must be followed in using this kind of medication. Please remember that these medications are suited for a single class of pets only, meaning that tick prevention medication for dogs is for dogs only and should not be used on cats or any other pets.

Removing Ticks
When your dog comes back from outdoors make sure to check him carefully for ticks. They are normally found in warm areas, under the arms, in the ears, between the toes and in the folds of the skin. If you find any, remove them safely. Do not touch the tick, use a alcohol swab, then pull it up slowly with tweezers. Make sure not to leave any parts of the tick sticking to your dog. If you are unsuccessful contact your vet.

Judging Diamond Quality

What to Look For

If you want to begin judging diamond quality, you must first learn and understand the 4 C’s, which are four characteristics of diamonds that give the gem stone it’s overall value.  The 4 C’s for judging diamond quality include the diamonds color, clarity, carats and cut.

Judging Color

Most diamonds are considered to be ideal if they are transparent, or colorless.  Diamonds that are rated as colorless are the most expensive of diamonds.  The colors of diamonds are rated with an alphabet grading system that starts with “D” and ends with “Z”.  Completely colorless diamonds fall in the “D” and “E” grade, while colored, fancy diamonds are at the other end of the alphabet, at “Y” and “Z”. 

There are two main ways that jewelers’ use when judging diamond quality based on color.  They may pull out a set of reference stones, and find the closest match between the diamond and the reference stone to determine its letter grade.  Alternatively, the jeweler may use a colorimeter, which can electronically measure the color of the stone and determine its grade within 1/3 of a grade. 

Judging Clarity

The clarity of a diamond refers to whether or not the diamond is clear all the way through, or whether it has tiny flaws and cloudy areas within the gemstone.  It’s actually very rare to have a diamond with absolute perfect clarity and no flaws, but most diamond flaws are not visible to the naked eye and can only be seen with a magnifying device.

The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) uses a magnification of about 10x when judging diamond quality based on the clarity.  There are treatments available to make a diamond appear nicer than it actually is, and the treatments should lower the overall price of the diamond so it is important to do your research before purchasing a diamond to be sure you are not spending more money than you should.

Judging Carat Weight

Carat is the term we used to describe the weight of a diamond gemstone.  One carat is equivalent to 200 milligrams of weight.  A single diamond with a high amount of carat weight is more expensive than the equivalent amount of carats in multiple stones.  This is because finding the larger diamonds is much more rare of an occurrence.  So if you want a 2-carat diamond ring, for example, you may decide to go with a half-carat diamond surrounded by smaller diamonds that add up to one and a half carats to give you the total of 2 carats!  Judging diamond quality by the amount of carats is difficult, since different shaped gemstones, and stones with different levels of clarity will be priced differently even if they have the same amount of carats.

Judging Cut

One of the most important factors in judging diamond quality is judging the cut of a diamond.  It’s important because a quality cut diamond will be more brilliant and reflects light more beautifully, and yet the cut of a diamond has the least impact on the overall price of the diamond.

When judging diamond quality on the cut of a diamond, look at the stone in a well lit area.  If the light seems to go into the stone and bounce back, showing a sparkling reflective surface, the diamond has a good cut.  The angles and shapes of a diamond are important to judging diamond quality and the overall appearance of your diamond.

Wish For Bangladesh

Wish For Bangladesh

Bangladesh Informations

Bangladesh emerged as an independent and sovereign country in 1971 following a ninemonth war of liberation. It is one of the largest deltas of the world with a total area of 147,570 sq. km. With a unique communal harmony, Bangladesh has a population of about 142 million, making it one of the densely populated countries of the world. The majority (about 88%) of the people are Muslim. Over 98% of the people speak in Bangla. English, however, is widely spoken. The country is covered with a network of rivers and canals forming a maze of interconnecting channels.
Bangladesh has a glorious history and rich heritage. Once it was known as ‘Sonar Bangla’ or the Golden Bengal. The territory now constituting Bangladesh was under the Muslim rule for over five and a half centuries from 1201 to 1757 AD. Subsequently, it came under the British rule following the defeat of the sovereign ruler, Nawab Sirajuddaula, at the battle of Palassey on 23 June, 1757. The British ruled over the Indian sub-continent including this territory for nearly 190 years from 1757 to 1947. During that period, Bangladesh was a part of the British Indian provinces of Bengal and Assam. With the termination of British rule in August 1947, the sub-continent was partitioned into India and Pakistan. Bangladesh formed a part of Pakistan and was called ‘East Pakistan’. It remained so for about 24 years from August 14, 1947 to March 25, 1971. Bangladesh liberated on December 16, 1971 following the victory of the War of Liberation and appeared on the world map as an independent and sovereign country.The country is the pioneer in micro-credit concept for poverty reduction, which brought the Nobel Prize in Peace for the country in 2006. The founder of world reputed Grameen Bank Professor Dr. Muhammad Yunus is the Nobel laureate.

The Natural Beauty Of Bangladesh

Have you thought of a dream holiday where you see yourself on that very attractive magical coastline with very beautiful features like those in the fairy tales? Did you know that such features really exist on this very planet?

Talking of wonderful eye-catching sites let us take a trip to the North Eastern part of south Asia and land safely in one of the most beautiful countries on the planet: Bangladesh. The country is surrounded by some of the most prominent geographical features studied worldwide. To the north of Bangladesh are the famous Himalayas while the bay of the Bengal borders her from the South. To her East is the hilly region of Tripura, India and Myanmar. Finally to her West lies the west Bengal. Together these features form a low lying plain in between that is the country in their midst; Bangladesh.

The plain between all these features has plenty of rivers flowing across it forming a nice natural beautiful pattern of rivers and streams network. Padma, Meghna, Kamafull and Brahmaputra are the major rivers in this very beautiful land.

History goes hand in hand with the Natural Beauty of Bangladesh. Talking of historical sites she has quite a number of rich archeological sites to offer. This includes the Paharpur, Maianamati, Sonargaon among many others.

It also has a historical mosques and monuments. The sixty Dome mosque built in the 15th century is the largest historical in Bangladesh as well as the words heritage is situated in Bagerhat. It is also upheld for an outstanding architectural value. However, the Shait Gombuj mosque is the most magnificent and the largest brick mosque surviving in the country.

Bangladesh is not just named a natural beauty for nothing this is a title that it has fought for through its great and eye catching extraordinary features. She happens to be the home to the world's longest natural beach in the whole world. The land is mainly covered by plant cover as most of the people practice Agriculture.

Apart from the natural beauty of Bangladesh brought forth by the flora in the country, the country also has a great deal of wildlife. She is the home of the dhole; the most endangered Asiatic top predator that is on the edge of extinction. It also has the Asian elephant which is the largest mammal. Finally she has the Bengal tiger which is the national animal of the country. The next time you thinking of spending time in a beautiful place where you will be able to watch and appreciate nature's beauty, think of Bangladesh.