One of the most important, but least understood or appreciated
aspects of any business is its bookkeeping or accounting system.
And, because very few people know much about the reasons for a
bookkeeping system, most people are frightened by the thought of
the work involved in setting up such a system, and the drudgery
of daily maintenance.

There's really nothing complicated to bookkeeping it's as simple
as keeping a daily dairy and' or maintaining your personal
checkbook. At the bottom line, it's simply a matter of recording
your deposits-your incoming monies-and keeping a record of the
money you spend.

So, the first thing you need to do is open a business account for
your extra income business or endeavors. Generally, this is
simply a matter of asking the new accounts teller at a local bank
for a business account registration fee, send it in to the
appropriate commissioner, and from there, open you a new business
account-complete with imprinted checks.

Drop by a local stationery store and pick up a loose leaf
notebook, and a supply of paper. We've always picked up a supply
of index tabs at the same time--either to separate the months or
the accountability sections for each item we sell.

Assuming that you want to make it as simple as possible, while at
the same time keeping it as efficient as is necessary-here's what
you do and how to do it.

On the first page in your notebook, write on the top line and in
the middle of the page: Monday, January 1st, 1983
or whatever day you officially start your business...Then, as
your orders come in, if by mail, as you open your mail-jot down
starting from the left side of the page, the amount you
received-dash-for what-from whom, and their address. The page
might look like this:

Monday--- January 1 1983

 14     Tapes
100     S.W Fee-Barton
 10     Hong Kong Dir #261
 10     "    "      #261
  3     Whsle Prt Dir #49 
 70     Hot Line Lst--Morgan


That's all there is to it, and boiling it  all down, it amounts
to recording what you receive and what you spend.
The next entry, immediately under that first day's entry might
look like this:

$207 Deposit
 11 Printer-for copies
 10 Sec & riches thru R Est #302-Rogers( 75010)
  3 Simplified annual M.O bkkp Sys (21104)
 10 Money Magnetism-Kline (88033)
 36 R.W Fee-Magnuson (10067
  6 Manual on Bookselling-#291-Magnuson (10067
 15 display Ad- Smith 948089)
 22 Ideal Ofc Supplies-printer paper

TOTAL INCOME $80         Expense $33         Deposit $207

And then, carry on with this recording of the money you deposit,
receive and spend each day with similar entries for each day of
the week-every day Monday Thru Saturday for each week. It's
simple uncomplicated, and a positive record of your business

Then at the end of each month, transfer this daily information to
one of the low cost bookkeeping registers that your tax
consultant or accountant can work from. These people won't work
from your daily dairy, ad will not transfer the information you
record in it to a formal bookkeeping register without charging
you a small fortune. it's not that big of a job, ad if you do it
after te close of the business on the last day of the month, it
will take at the most a very few minutes. Then, of course, when
you're ready to do your taxes, you simply give your bookkeeping
register to whoever is going to do your taxes, and you're home

The bookkeeping register you'll need can be any simple columnar
notebook-we use an "Ekonomik Register,Form RL-17"
available in a number of different styles and sizes from Ekonomik
Systems-PO Box 11413-Tacoma,WA 98411. All you really need is some
sort of notebook with a number of columns marked off, a title
written at the top of each column, and a record of te money
received for each day relative to the product or service each
column represents. Then at the end of each month, you can simply
add the totals from each column and you'll instantly know how
much money you took in from each of your offers.

Beyond te date column, will be your record of expenses or money
spent. Again, you should title each of the columns you'll be
entering figures into, and then record your expenditures for
items falling into those categories. Then at the end of each
month, it's a simple matter to add the total from each column and
know exactly where you stand relative to profit or loss-how much
you took in compared to how much you spent.

Bookkeeping and/or accounting is a very simple and should not
scare you. Just keep it simple, ad up-to-date.

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Wish For Bangladesh

Wish For Bangladesh

Bangladesh Informations

Bangladesh emerged as an independent and sovereign country in 1971 following a ninemonth war of liberation. It is one of the largest deltas of the world with a total area of 147,570 sq. km. With a unique communal harmony, Bangladesh has a population of about 142 million, making it one of the densely populated countries of the world. The majority (about 88%) of the people are Muslim. Over 98% of the people speak in Bangla. English, however, is widely spoken. The country is covered with a network of rivers and canals forming a maze of interconnecting channels.
Bangladesh has a glorious history and rich heritage. Once it was known as ‘Sonar Bangla’ or the Golden Bengal. The territory now constituting Bangladesh was under the Muslim rule for over five and a half centuries from 1201 to 1757 AD. Subsequently, it came under the British rule following the defeat of the sovereign ruler, Nawab Sirajuddaula, at the battle of Palassey on 23 June, 1757. The British ruled over the Indian sub-continent including this territory for nearly 190 years from 1757 to 1947. During that period, Bangladesh was a part of the British Indian provinces of Bengal and Assam. With the termination of British rule in August 1947, the sub-continent was partitioned into India and Pakistan. Bangladesh formed a part of Pakistan and was called ‘East Pakistan’. It remained so for about 24 years from August 14, 1947 to March 25, 1971. Bangladesh liberated on December 16, 1971 following the victory of the War of Liberation and appeared on the world map as an independent and sovereign country.The country is the pioneer in micro-credit concept for poverty reduction, which brought the Nobel Prize in Peace for the country in 2006. The founder of world reputed Grameen Bank Professor Dr. Muhammad Yunus is the Nobel laureate.

The Natural Beauty Of Bangladesh

Have you thought of a dream holiday where you see yourself on that very attractive magical coastline with very beautiful features like those in the fairy tales? Did you know that such features really exist on this very planet?

Talking of wonderful eye-catching sites let us take a trip to the North Eastern part of south Asia and land safely in one of the most beautiful countries on the planet: Bangladesh. The country is surrounded by some of the most prominent geographical features studied worldwide. To the north of Bangladesh are the famous Himalayas while the bay of the Bengal borders her from the South. To her East is the hilly region of Tripura, India and Myanmar. Finally to her West lies the west Bengal. Together these features form a low lying plain in between that is the country in their midst; Bangladesh.

The plain between all these features has plenty of rivers flowing across it forming a nice natural beautiful pattern of rivers and streams network. Padma, Meghna, Kamafull and Brahmaputra are the major rivers in this very beautiful land.

History goes hand in hand with the Natural Beauty of Bangladesh. Talking of historical sites she has quite a number of rich archeological sites to offer. This includes the Paharpur, Maianamati, Sonargaon among many others.

It also has a historical mosques and monuments. The sixty Dome mosque built in the 15th century is the largest historical in Bangladesh as well as the words heritage is situated in Bagerhat. It is also upheld for an outstanding architectural value. However, the Shait Gombuj mosque is the most magnificent and the largest brick mosque surviving in the country.

Bangladesh is not just named a natural beauty for nothing this is a title that it has fought for through its great and eye catching extraordinary features. She happens to be the home to the world's longest natural beach in the whole world. The land is mainly covered by plant cover as most of the people practice Agriculture.

Apart from the natural beauty of Bangladesh brought forth by the flora in the country, the country also has a great deal of wildlife. She is the home of the dhole; the most endangered Asiatic top predator that is on the edge of extinction. It also has the Asian elephant which is the largest mammal. Finally she has the Bengal tiger which is the national animal of the country. The next time you thinking of spending time in a beautiful place where you will be able to watch and appreciate nature's beauty, think of Bangladesh.