The Five Types of Mr. Rights


Which of these five guys are you dating? Just where does your guy fit in?

Mr. Right for Nobody? Mr. Right for Somebody Else? Mr. Right Someday? Mr. Right Now? Mr. Right?

Just which right guy are you seeing right now? Read my descriptions of the five different types of Mr. Rights to figure out your guy and know what to do about him.

Mr. Right for Nobody
In every girl’s life there is that one guy who really messes you up. He fills you with so much passion you think you may explode. You can’t get him off of your mind. You want to see him all the time. You want to be with him all the time. You want to know where he is at all times

Mr. Right for Somebody Else
This is the guy who is perfect on paper but just doesn’t float your boat. He could be an ex, a good friend, a mere acquaintance or a fizzled first date, but however you know him, you know without doubt that he’s not right for you. Yet, there is a real possibility that he could be right for one of your friends

Mr. Right Now
He fits perfectly in to your life right now but whether or not he’ll work in the future is up in the air. This is the guy who is a great steady Saturday night date, who never really asks much of you and yet is always there for you and whom you’re pretty sure you’ll break up with
Mr. Right Someday
It is a cruel fact of life that timing counts. You could meet your Mr. Right three days before you leave for a year in the Peace Corps in which case it’s just not going to happen. Or it could be him who is leaving for an indefinite amount of time, in which case again, it is not going to happen…

Mr. Right
He makes you swoon. He makes you laugh. He makes you feel safe and cared for. He is always, without exception, good to you… even when he is mad at you. And most importantly, you trust him 100% because he truly deserves it. This is Mr. Right


How To Show Someone You're Interest

All you need is an attraction to another person and the desire to show them how you feel.
Difficulty: Easy
Time Required: 5 minutes

Here's How:
1-Create opportunities for you to see each other. This might include secretly waiting in the hall or sitting near him/her at lunch.
2-Make eye contact and smile!
3-When you pass him/her in the hall, say 'Hi!'
4-Get to know some of his/her friends
5-If you have a class together, ask him/her a question about it.
6-Ask him/her about something you know s/he is interested in.
7-Ask if s/he wants to hang out sometime.

1-If you're like me, sending these signals can be scary. Start small and work your way up to the tougher steps.
2-Don't set yourself up to get hurt, make sure you haven't put your entire self-worth into whether or not s/he responds to your signals.


How To Know If Someone Likes You


All you need for this task is a suspicion that someone is interested in you and a willingness to look a little closer.


Difficulty: Hard
Time Required: 20 minutes
Here's How:

1-Keep an eye on how many times you catch her/him staring at you.
2-Take notice of whether s/he smiles at you a lot.
3-Look for whether s/he focuses on you in a crowd.
4-Observe if s/he has suddenly taken more interest in your friends.
5-Pay attention to any significant changes in her/his behavior toward you recently.
6-Start showing her/him a bit more interest and see how they respond.
7-Have a friend talk to her/him or one of her/his friends about you.
8-Ask, 'ÄnameÑ, are you interested in me?'

1-Hopefully you will not have to use steps 7 or 8, but if you're having difficulty reading her/him, these steps are your last resort!
2-Remember, this is not an exact science, and it may take a few mistakes to perfect your technique


How To Propose


Unfortunately romantic comedies and sappy sitcoms have taken most of the corn--uh, good ideas already. But there are still a lot of options remaining to you. And you want it to be perfect, because you own the moment -- you have as close to total control over it as you could possibly imagine. I will refrain from making the obligatory marital poke about how it might be the last such moment of your life. But you have a lot of options. If you're fond of a good adrenaline rush, I recommend the "sweep her off her feet" option, whereby you rent a trampoline, fire yourself out of a cannon when she's not looking, catch her in midair, and as you're both landing in a tangled heap on the trampoline, slip the ring on her finger before she knows what hit her. If you're looking to surprise her with your proposal, this will most likely do the trick.
On the other hand, if you're a more reserved sort of person who prefers not to be propelled by gunpowder any more than absolutely necessary, you may prefer a different option that suits your personality better. Sit your fiancee down in one of those chair desks they have in schools and, using a blackboard, slide projector, and laser pointer, give a brief but well-prepared lecture on why it would be to your mutual benefit -- legally, financially, and otherwise -- to get hitched as quickly as possible. Try to use the phrase "...and it is a remarkable fact..." somewhere in your presentation. Make an indisputable argument. How could she turn down such cool-headed rationality?
Then again, perhaps your fiancee is not quite as studious as you are. Perhaps she is something of a "party girl," as those who enjoy swift punches from zealous feminists might say. Perhaps she would prefer to share such a wondrous moment with a dozen or two of her very best friends. In that case, I would recommend taking her and a small throng of her friends out to a fine, elegant restaurant -- the kind where there is a different waitperson for each course and three for the wine. Sometime between the Chicken Teriyaki Vinaigrette Caesar Salad a la Mode and the Fettucini Tortellini Lamborghini Schnitzel Alfredo on the Rocks, clear your throat to get everyone's attention (in a gentlemanly way, of course, which means, among other things, that your napkin be involved in the maneuver). Stand up, bow to your beloved, take her hand, kneel before her, and burst into deep, resonating song. No matter if your singing voice is not so much like Luciano Pavarotti as Gilbert Gottfried; it's your exuberance and noble intentions that count. You own the moment, so milk it for all it's worth. Sing of love and pink bunny rabbits and whirlpools of thundering sweetness until your voice can't take it anymore. By the end, she'll be so moved to tears, she just might not recover until the wedding.
Whatever your method of proposing turns out to be, you must incorporate one key element, namely the element of not proposing like any other human being has ever proposed before. Any romantic proposal you see in the movies is definitely out, as are all the suggestions I've made in this section. So, just to be on the safe side, try proposing in some outrageous situation. Don't let her know what you're doing, of course. Maybe you could sneak your beloved into a parachute and onto a plane for a surprise mid-air skydiving proposal. If you have connections at NASA, the zero-gravity proposal technique is bound to succeed, as long as you figure out a way to kneel in mid-air.
To sum up, the fundamental message of this guide is that, no matter how hard you try, you can't be romantic enough. But if you study the pointers given above, learn them by heart, remain conscientious of them at all times, you might be able to buy yourself a temporary reprieve now and then. The next step is to coordinate when these moments occur, such as just before the World Series. Good luck.


10 Things You Need to Know About Love


1.Love does not hurt. Physical and/or emotional abuse are not a part of love.

2.Love is not manipulative, it should not be used to get others to do what you want. You should never give in to demands based on the, "You would do it if you loved me!" tactic.

3.Love is an intense feeling of caring for another person. It can take many different forms (romantic, friendly, familial) but it is always about caring.

4.Although it is true that a big part of love is putting another person's happiness ahead of your own this never includes compromising your values or being untrue to yourself.

5.If somebody asks you to do something that you don't want to do in order to "prove" your love they do not love you the way you might think they do.
When you love another person you don't ask them to sacrifice a part of themselves in the name of that love.

6.It is very easy to confuse lust for love. The true measure of romantic love is commitment and trust not physical attraction.

7.It is possible to feel romantic love for more than one person at a given time. Just think, if it is possible for you to love both of your parents at the same time why would it be impossible to feel romantic love for two people at once? Don't beat yourself up emotionally if you find yourself in this unhappy situation. But be sure to remain single and be open and honest with all parties about your feelings and confusion.

8.Sex is NOT love. Love is NOT sex. Sex can be a part of romantic love but it is never mandatory.

9.Romantic love can (and often does) fade. When it goes there is not always a reason. When somebody falls out of love with you it does not reflect upon your value as a person or your desirability

10.Love should make you feel happy, secure and appreciated.


Before You Make That Date


Dating is one of the most anticipated and feared of all teen social encounters. What can you do to make sure your dating life runs smoothly? Consider these seven things before making or accepting a date.
Know how you feel about the other person.
Nothing ruins a date faster than misread signals. Before asking somebody out or accepting an invitation you should honsetly examine how you really feel. Are you genuinely attracted to this person? Could you see yourself in a relationship with this person? Do you feel comfortable being with this person one-on-one? If you can't ever see yourself as being anything but friends, don't make the date.
Find out how the other person feels about you.
Many an embarassing moment has been born from misread signals or wishful thinking. Nothing is worse than putting yourself out there only to be rejected. Before asking somebody out find out if they are interested in you. Ask around to see if they already like you, think they could like you, or only see you as a pal. If they really only want to be your friend, don't push for more.
Suggest an activity you will both enjoy.
The whole idea behind going out on a date is having fun. You want to spend time with somebody who interests you and at the same time find out if you could connect on a deeper level. Nothing will ruin this faster than choosing an activity that only one of you enjoys. Ask your potential date what he/she likes to do and find something you both like, then plan the date accordingly.
Consider going out as part of a group.
If your parents don't want you going out one-on-one dates, or if it you feel uncomfortable heading out alone, consider the safety of group dating. This can be a good choice for the get to know you dates because it takes some of the pressure off and lets you be more relaxed... more yourself. Choose friends you trust who will make your date feel comfortable and don't forget you are still on a date.
Be clear on the financial situation.
If you ask somebody out and intend to pay their way make sure this is clear. If your finances are tight make sure they don't mind going dutch. If you accept a date always bring enough money to pay your own way, never assume that your date will foot the bill. The "who will pay" question can turn even the hottest date cold - make sure this is clear well in advance.
Make sure that the date is OK with both sets of parents.
If your parents don't want you dating yet, respect that and make plans to go out in a group. If the person you are interested
in is not yet allowed to date, don't suggest that you sneak around. If it is really important for the two of you to head out alone talk it out with the parents who object. Otherwise respect the rules set out by the parents and stick to hanging out together with friends.
Don't have higher than life expectations.
If you expect the date to be something out of a Mandy Moore movie then you are only setting yourself up for disappointment. Be realistic; you are getting to know one another in a whole new way and one or both of you may not want to take things further after the date is over. If you have realistic expectations you are more likely to relax, have fun and be happy with the way the date turns out.

Is It Love

Choose a Romantic Place

If you two stay together for a while (which of course you hope!) then the time that you first say ´I love you´ will be one of those moments you remember and treasure. Don´t let it be by a garbage dump with seagulls flying around! Find somewhere quiet and special. It doesn´t have to be expensive or exotic - just somewhere you two will remember fondly! A local beach, a quiet wood, even on the swings in the back yard while the sun sets can be just the right atmosphere for that special step.


I love you

I love you, i love you with all my heart. I feel so sad when we are apart. I dream about you all nite and day. I just can't wait till you're mine to stay.


Life is a mixture of sunshine+ rain, laughter+pleasure, teardrops+ pain. So when clouds hide the sun+your skies turn grey remember I'm only a phone call away...


If i had the letters HRT, i can add EA to get a HEART or a U and get HURT. But i'd rather choose U and get HURT than have a HEART without U!












Thinking of you is easy i do it everyday, missing you is the heartache, that never goes away...


Life is for living i live mine for you. Love is for giving, i give mine to you. Hearts are for beating, mine beats for you. Dreams are full of meaning, mine are full of you...


If i could save time in a bottle,the first thing that i'd like to do is to save everyday till eternity passes away, just to spend them with you...


In my heart, i keep the sparkle of ur eyes, the tender warmth of your smile and i dream of holding you close, caring for you, protecting you and loving you always...


I wana be the 1 who dries your tears. I wana be the 1 who calms your fears. I wana be the 1 who helps carry your load. I wana be the 1 who knows your secret code. I wana be the 1 who holds you tight. I wana be the 1 who kisses you goodnight. I wana be the 1 you love...


You're SEXY and TICK, you're SMOOTH and SLICK, you're GORGEOUS and FINE from da rest you SHINE, you're a pretty GOOD sight, you're a bit of ALRIGHT, you're just a HIT, coz you're so FIT...


Loving you could take my life, but when i look into your eyes, i know you worth that sacrifice.


When life changes and we go our separate ways, you will still be in my heart till my dying days. I tell no lie, this is true, this world has never seen anyone like you!


Like the MOON and TWINKLING stars, you are perfect just the way you are, so close ur eyes and wait for me, then you will see you're the one for me...


The moment i 1st saw you, you warmed my heart, the 2nd time, you made little flames and now you make my heart burn like hell...






Wish For Bangladesh

Wish For Bangladesh

Bangladesh Informations

Bangladesh emerged as an independent and sovereign country in 1971 following a ninemonth war of liberation. It is one of the largest deltas of the world with a total area of 147,570 sq. km. With a unique communal harmony, Bangladesh has a population of about 142 million, making it one of the densely populated countries of the world. The majority (about 88%) of the people are Muslim. Over 98% of the people speak in Bangla. English, however, is widely spoken. The country is covered with a network of rivers and canals forming a maze of interconnecting channels.
Bangladesh has a glorious history and rich heritage. Once it was known as ‘Sonar Bangla’ or the Golden Bengal. The territory now constituting Bangladesh was under the Muslim rule for over five and a half centuries from 1201 to 1757 AD. Subsequently, it came under the British rule following the defeat of the sovereign ruler, Nawab Sirajuddaula, at the battle of Palassey on 23 June, 1757. The British ruled over the Indian sub-continent including this territory for nearly 190 years from 1757 to 1947. During that period, Bangladesh was a part of the British Indian provinces of Bengal and Assam. With the termination of British rule in August 1947, the sub-continent was partitioned into India and Pakistan. Bangladesh formed a part of Pakistan and was called ‘East Pakistan’. It remained so for about 24 years from August 14, 1947 to March 25, 1971. Bangladesh liberated on December 16, 1971 following the victory of the War of Liberation and appeared on the world map as an independent and sovereign country.The country is the pioneer in micro-credit concept for poverty reduction, which brought the Nobel Prize in Peace for the country in 2006. The founder of world reputed Grameen Bank Professor Dr. Muhammad Yunus is the Nobel laureate.

The Natural Beauty Of Bangladesh

Have you thought of a dream holiday where you see yourself on that very attractive magical coastline with very beautiful features like those in the fairy tales? Did you know that such features really exist on this very planet?

Talking of wonderful eye-catching sites let us take a trip to the North Eastern part of south Asia and land safely in one of the most beautiful countries on the planet: Bangladesh. The country is surrounded by some of the most prominent geographical features studied worldwide. To the north of Bangladesh are the famous Himalayas while the bay of the Bengal borders her from the South. To her East is the hilly region of Tripura, India and Myanmar. Finally to her West lies the west Bengal. Together these features form a low lying plain in between that is the country in their midst; Bangladesh.

The plain between all these features has plenty of rivers flowing across it forming a nice natural beautiful pattern of rivers and streams network. Padma, Meghna, Kamafull and Brahmaputra are the major rivers in this very beautiful land.

History goes hand in hand with the Natural Beauty of Bangladesh. Talking of historical sites she has quite a number of rich archeological sites to offer. This includes the Paharpur, Maianamati, Sonargaon among many others.

It also has a historical mosques and monuments. The sixty Dome mosque built in the 15th century is the largest historical in Bangladesh as well as the words heritage is situated in Bagerhat. It is also upheld for an outstanding architectural value. However, the Shait Gombuj mosque is the most magnificent and the largest brick mosque surviving in the country.

Bangladesh is not just named a natural beauty for nothing this is a title that it has fought for through its great and eye catching extraordinary features. She happens to be the home to the world's longest natural beach in the whole world. The land is mainly covered by plant cover as most of the people practice Agriculture.

Apart from the natural beauty of Bangladesh brought forth by the flora in the country, the country also has a great deal of wildlife. She is the home of the dhole; the most endangered Asiatic top predator that is on the edge of extinction. It also has the Asian elephant which is the largest mammal. Finally she has the Bengal tiger which is the national animal of the country. The next time you thinking of spending time in a beautiful place where you will be able to watch and appreciate nature's beauty, think of Bangladesh.