So you are looking to start an Ebay Business. Having more than 430,000 people in the United
States alone are working full or part time on Ebay. It may be easier to start an Ebay business
than you think.
If you feel Ebay is just a novelty item or low value trinket
type outlet, you should take a look again.
An Ebay business can sell anything from trinkets to antiques and
automobiles. The five highest categories
were automobiles and auto supplies, consumer electronics, computers, clothes and
accessories, books, movies and music.
Ebay was started in 1995 and has become the worlds biggest
online auction place selling all kinds of products and services. There is about 1,000 dollars in sales every
second. There are 135 million registered
users in 32 countries. You can see your
Ebay business will have a large exposure or audience.
Before you start with an Ebay business you should decide if
you want to be a full time business or just a part time hobby. Do you want to work from your home or set up an
outside office to work from? Do you want
to work on your own or do you want to have employees? Do you want to become a Power Seller or a
Trade Assistant?
It is a good idea to practice some before officially
becoming an Ebay business. You can try
different headlines and descriptions on a small scale. Practice taking pictures and try different
listing formats. Just sell one or two
items at a time at first to get comfortable and confident. This all will make your chances of success
much greater when you take your Ebay business to the next level.
Getting set up with an Ebay business just takes a few
minutes. You will need to supply them
with your name, address, telephone number, a credit card and or a checking
account. This is used for identification
and payment of fees purposes. When
setting up your Ebay business you may also want to open a PayPal account. This service is owned by Ebay and allows
people to use credit cards or their checking accounts to pay you. It also eliminates the need to have a costly
merchant account.
When you set up your Ebay business remember to set up
your "About Me" page, which is
a free eBay feature that allows you to promote your business and yourself.
When you start your Ebay business you may want to register with
Federal, State, and local tax authorities.
You also may want to form a corporation or LLC to protect yourself from
any legal liability.
Your Ebay business now needs something to sell. This can be the most difficult challenge you
will face with your Ebay business. You
need to pick something that you know about, has a profit potential, and is not hard to photograph or ship. Before you put something up for sale look to
see what similar items sold for and ask, can I make money with this? A key point to remember what ever it is you
offer it would need to fill a need.
If your Ebay business makes it convenient to buy you have
much better chance of success. This
means your Ebay business should sell like items. If you sell CD’s then having CD racks or players
would be a good combination. The more
compatible items you have on sale the better your chances of success. People would much rather purchase what is
needed at one sd
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