of the piste, every muscle primed and poised, waiting for the gun
to propel him to ultimate victory. Look deeply into his eyes and
you’ll see he is having an out-of-body experience. In his mind’s
eye, the skier is swooshing down the slope, zapping back and forth
between the poles, and sliding across the finish line in faster time
than the world thought possible. The athlete is visualizing.
All athletes do it: divers, runners, jumpers, javelin throwers,
lugers, swimmers, skaters, acrobats. They visualize their magic
before performing it. They see their own bodies bending, twist-
ing, flipping, or flying through the air. They hear the sound of the
wind, the splash in the water, the whirr of the javelin, the thud of
its landing. They smell the grass, the cement, the pool, the dust.
Before they move a muscle, professional athletes watch the whole
movie, which, of course, ends in their own victory.
Sports psychologists tell us visualization is not just for top-
level competitive athletes. Studies show mental rehearsal helps
weekend athletes sharpen their golf, their tennis, their running,
whatever their favorite activity. Experts agree if you see the pic-
tures, hear the sounds, and feel the movements of your body in
your mind before you do the activity, the effect is powerful.
“Twenty-Six Miles on My Mattress”
Psychological mumbo jumbo? Absolutely not! My friend Richard
runs marathons. Once, several years ago, a scant three weeks
before the big New York marathon, an out-of-control car crashed
into Richard’s and he was taken to the hospital. He was not badly
injured. Nevertheless, his friends felt sorry for him because being
laid up two weeks in bed would, naturally, knock him out of the
big event.
What a surprise when, on that crisp November marathon
morning in Central Park, Richard showed up in his little shorts
and big running shoes.
“Richard, are you crazy? You’re in no shape to run. You’ve
been in bed these past few weeks!” we all cried out.
“My body may have been in bed,” he replied, “but I’ve been
“What?” we asked in unison.
“Yep. Every day. Twenty-six miles, 385 yards, right there on
my mattress.” Richard explained that in his imagination he saw
himself traversing every step of the course. He saw the sights,
heard the sounds, and felt the twitching movements in his mus-
cles. He visualized himself racing in the marathon.
Richard didn’t do as well as he had the year before, but the
miracle is he finished the marathon, without injury, without exces-
sive fatigue thanks to his visualization. It works in just about any
endeavor you apply it to—including being a terrific communicator.
Visualization works best when you feel totally relaxed. Only
when you have a calm state of mind can you get clear, vivid
images. Do your visualization in the quiet of your home or car
before leaving for the party, the convention, or the big-deal meet-
ing. See it all in your mind’s eye ahead of time.
You now have the skills necessary to get you started on the
right foot with any new person in your life. Think of yourself in
Technique #9
Watch the Scene Before You Make the Scene
Rehearse being the Super Somebody you want to be
ahead of time. SEE yourself walking around with Hang
by Your Teeth posture, shaking hands, smiling the
Flooding Smile, and making Sticky Eyes. HEAR your-
self chatting comfortably with everyone. FEEL the
pleasure of knowing you are in peak form and everyone
is gravitating toward you. VISUALIZE yourself a Super
Somebody. Then it all happens automatically.
these first moments like a rocket taking off. When the folks at
Cape Kennedy aim a spacecraft for the moon, a mistake in the
millionth of a degree at the beginning, when the craft is still on
the ground, means missing the moon by thousands of miles. Like-
wise, a tiny body-language blooper at the outset of a relationship
may mean you will never make a hit with that person. But with
The Flooding Smile, Sticky Eyes, Epoxy Eyes, Hang by Your
Teeth, The Big-Baby Pivot, Hello Old Friend, Limit the Fidget,
Hans’s Horse Sense, and Watch the Scene Before You Make the
Scene, you’ll be right on course to get whatever you eventually
want from anybody—be it business, friendship, or love.
We now move from the silent world to the spoken word.
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